shr-cd005 _ 2004
label info:
"Laudanum vol 3" verhandelt den Dreck. Das Ende der Sehnsucht nach einer reinen Mutter Natur. Die Welt, in der wir leben bietet alles, was wir brauchen: Erdöl, Uran, Schwefel… In Hinterhöfen verbrennen alte Männer Kehricht. Ein Steinbruch am Sonntagnachmittag. Ausblühungen an Wänden. Windschiefe Vogelscheuchen. Monokulturen. Ein toter Hund im Gebüsch. Das Rostrot von Eisenbahnwagons, das Quietschen von Rangierbahnhöfen. Ein Spaziergang neben einer Autobahn, Vorfrühling, ausgebleichtes Gras, alles ist braun und grau, ein laues Lüftchen weht dir ins Gesicht. Existenz am Rande einer Metropole …
Kategorie: deep ambient, experimental, soundscapes.
"Laudanum Vol. 3" is about dirt. The end of longing for pure Mother Nature. The world in which we live offers us everything we need: petroleum, uranium, sulphur … Old men burn garbage in back alleys. A quarry on Sunday afternoon. Lichens on the walls. Crooked, windblown scarecrows. Monocultures. A dead dog in the bushes. The rusty red of train cars, the squeal of the marshalling yards. A walk along a highway, almost spring, bleached grass, everything is brown and gray, a warm breeze blows in your face. Existence on the edge of a metropolis …
Category: deep ambient, experimental, soundscapes
“Haunting and brooding dark ambient offering from Germany’s fatagaga, third in a series named after that famous, delicious, opium-laced drink. It’s a great, slow-moving, continuous wall of sound that breaks things up by jumping to a rhythm track in places, but is somehow a bit predictable and lacks an essential element of “surprise.” Think of Richard H. Kirk teaming up with Hungry Ghost and you’ll get an idea of the overall sound …”
Perry Bathous
more @ chaindlk
format: CD-R, limited edition of 250 copies
order this product @ satori-hype mailorder
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