fatagaga _ Laudanum Vol 1

shr_CDr_001 | sol111_ 2001
fatagaga laudanum Vol 1

the first notes of Laudanum appear like bubbles rising from a deep green underwater world: salt water, the inside of oysters, surf in the womb … the atavistic being before thought … the total existence … poisonous substances that cause genetic faults … which have come from outer space. Intoxicated monkeys on absinth … the will to power … poppies & illumination … the feeling as your astral body leaves through the fontanel. Category: drones, dark ambient, experimental, soundscapes

Die ersten Töne von „Laudanum“ tauchen auf wie Blasen aus einer tiefgrünen Unterwasserwelt: Salzwasser, das Innere von Austern, Brandung im Mutterleib… Atavistisches Sein vor dem Denken… Die totale Existenz… Giftige Substanzen, die Gensprünge auslösen… angekommen aus dem Weltall. Affen berauschen sich mit Absinth… Der Wille zur Macht… Mohn & Erleuchtung… Das Körpergefühl beim Austritt des Astralkörpers aus der Fontanelle. Industrielandschaften … Kategorie: drones, dark ambient, experimental, soundscapes


„A mind stimualating sedative …“



„Gentle reader, you may recall my lauding Mute Records with the phrase once “If it’s on Mute, buy it!” Yes, I too have my pet causes. I can steadfastly state that I will only ever use this on two other record labels, Sub Rosa and Soleilmoon/Staalplaat. And look, it’s a Soleilmoon CD …

The name “fatagaga” comes from the collages of our old friends Max Ernst and Hans Arp. So far, so good. Laudanum is a term used for a tincture of opium that was all the range among the effete artists of the victorian age. We all know what opium does. Laudanum is somnambulent music, all gurgling synths and tectonic arrangements. The press release draws comparisons to Brian Eno’s Apollo and Jon Hassel’s Fourth World: Possible Musics, which is not so far off. I also pick up traces of the more stately, older FAX records, Terre Thaemlitz’s ultra-minimal outlings, and, in particular, an oldie from Instinct Ambient, The SETI Project.

Very detached in mood and time, an album like this sounds (trying to avoid cheeseball ramifictions) alien. I want to take this album to the top of a hill far from all civilization and feel the wind against my skin. Hell, I want to have albums like these as the only artifacts of our civilization in my personal collective unconscious.“

(MS 01/02) www.propellermagazine.com (this online-magazine does’nt exist anymore)


„Drone music with ambient and white-noisy complexities that aurally remind me of breathing, the rushing of blood, trickling water, bone-socket pops and muffled insect chirping. All the tracks are worth a listen.“

*Recommend* / Good songs: 2,5,8 / http://www.wmucradio.com (the page is offline today)


„Note to Fatagaga: Do not pepper your press releases with hyperbole and comparisons! I would personally question the wisdom of naming influences like Eno, Steve Roach and Thomas Koener. It’s all so unnecessary because this is actually a fine piece of work. It rarely breaks sweat and occasionally the low bass drones mess with your speakers in a “maybe I should have mastered this recording” kind of way. Laudanum is a land of half-light and flickering moths. It is a dream world that both invites you in and shuts the door gently. The walls seem to mutter to you in words that you can’t quite understand. It is not an entirely unpleasant place to be.“

reviewed by Mark Spybey (Zoviet France), 2001 (this review was sent to me via Soleilmoon Recordings, noone knows where it has been published)


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