fatagaga _ Het Geheim

shr-cd022 _ 2024

„Het Geheim“ is another journey into the realm of dark, evolving, shimmering psychic inscapes by fatagaga: a brain attacked by a viral infection receives not decipherable ancient secret code. This record is the final release in a long series such as the Laudanum trilogy from the early 2000s (Laudanum Vol. 1 was originally released in 2001 on Soleilmoon Recordings), „The Celebration of the Chameleon“, „The Big Sleep“ and „Winterbilder“ …

Sample treatments, granular synthesis by fatagaga
Cover art by stable diffusion & derraum.com
Recorded December 2023, compiled & mastered February 2024 @ Wondervalley Studio Cologne

For collectors Satori Hype Records offers a CDR in a beautiful limited and handsigned metall box with plenty of images and notes of the „Spargeltelefon“-series of 25 copies. Each Box is a unique little artwork, handmade, each with a specific compilation and signed by the artist.
Price for one copy: 50 €
Please email info ät satori-hype-records.de for shipping cost.

 Het Geheim fatagaga Stefan Zoellner

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